Sunday, October 22, 2006


I found out that the last email to the community wasn't received by many residents. In my review of the problem I noticed that ONLY customers of AOL were affected. So I spent at least 24 hours working on the problem with AOL, Comcast DSL and Monmouth Internet.
It is a complicated issue which if you really want to know what happened you can read my email that I just sent to the Postmaster@AOL which is below.
I am currently separating out all residents with AOL addresses and putting them into a separate email box. Until the problem is resolved, I would probably have to send out my emails to AOL recipients in lots of about 25 emails at a time. I am not sure that the block they put on my sending out emails involves small numbers of emails since I have been getting word back from some AOL Regency customers that they have received my emails (when done individually). So I am going to send out 25 and see if it works. If it doesn't then I will reduce down that number until it works or until AOL does something about the problem.
They indicated that I will hear from them within 3 days. Naturally this problem will cause additional work on my part but my love for this community far exceeds the time that I have to spend doing this.
Also, I am extracting the following from my email below because it is important that you handle emails this way: "I know that if a resident takes one of my emails and instead of deleting it they put it into the SPAM box, then you are notified that my email is being considered SPAM by a resident(s). I think that ALL residents living here aren't aware of this and I will make certain that when they want to delete my messages, they should just delete it and put it into the TRASH bin of their email box. They then can empty their TRASH bins without causing problems related to SPAM."
For those who wish to know more about the problem here is my email to the Postmaster@AOL
I have spent almost 24 hours in speaking with AOL personnel and Verizon DSL personnel regarding a problem I am having sending emails to AOL recipients. Finally, one of your AOL employees decided to forward the problem to the postmaster@AOL. The ticket number is 1292202.
Basically, I am known as the "emailer" from a senior adult community here in New Jersey. Eventually this community will have 1600+ homes. At the present time about 400 residents have agreed either in writing or sending me an email that they wish to be part of my community emailing system. So what I am doing is NOT sending SPAM since they have all elected to allow me to send them emails.
The problem is that my email list is growing and many of the 400 residents are on AOL. AOL has blocked my IP address which is from sending emails to AOL recipients. Again, it is being sent to residents who have asked that I send them these emails.
I would be glad to have every AOL customer of yours send you an email indicating that they want me to send them my emails. I think that by doing this it might resolve the problem but you will be getting hundreds of emails which I don't think is beneficial. They can indicate to you that they want the above IP address to send emails.Your current system looks at how many emails are being sent out by an individual and if there are too many, then it automatically is considered SPAM and it is blocked.
I truly understand your problem and recognize that SPAM is becoming a major problem for everyone. However, legitimate emails should not be banned and acted upon as SPAM if too many are sent out by a single individual.
In speaking with your customer representatives, they suggested my having a Static Reverse DNS vs. a Dynamic Reverse DNS. Verizon tells me that Static Reverse DNS is usually obtained by businesses that send out lots of emails. I am NOT a business so obtaining a Static Reverse DNS is really not the answer.
I have copied below both emails that were sent to me regarding my filling out the Feedback loop which allows me to send out many emails at a time to AOL recipients. I also filled out your White List request form that also is to help in resolving this problem. Both of these forms were filled out at the request of various customer service representatives from AOL. I guess they didn't realize that filling out these forms served no purpose because with my IP Address being blocked, these forms couldn't be acted upon. I think this should be conveyed to your Customer Service representatives.Again, I just want to send out emails to residents living in my Adult Community.
I hope that something can be done to eliminate the problem on your end. I know that if a resident takes one of my emails and instead of deleting it they put it into the SPAM box, then you are notified that my email is being considered SPAM by a resident(s). I think that ALL residents living here aren't aware of this and I will make certain that when they want to delete my messages that they should just delete it and put it into the TRASH bin of their email box. They then can empty their TRASH bins without causing problems related to SPAM.
I hope you can resolve this matter in a timely fashion.
Thanks again
Ron Post