Sunday, October 22, 2006


We had a very good turnout at Renaissance last night for our lawsuit presentation. The residents at Renaissance have not had the history of our tax efforts prior to last night. The slides we presented were a modification of the package we presented to Regency on 10/5, but they were tailored to include Renaissance data. The 7PM meeting was standing room only. I estimate 150+ attendees. Some of the questions were similar to those raised at Regency. The audience was very attentive and interested in our story.

The second meeting had fewer attendees, but the interest level was just as intense.

Renaissance has established a cut-off date of 10/31 for all checks. We will therefore extend our cut-off date to the same 10/31 date. Before we left, a number of residents had written checks, and turned them in to the group running their tax effort. I expect a good turnout, which will help our bottom line, and is almost certain to assure a successful lawsuit.

At Regency, we have received a number of checks, and our lawsuit effort looks very promising. However, there are still a number of residents who have not contributed to any fundraisers or the lawsuit effort. I have to remind those residents that we have a strong case, and our Attorney is hopeful that an early resolution may occur. This would lessen our overall expenses; but, it would put non-contributors in an undesirable position, because they might not benefit from any early settlement.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tax Relief Committee


A resident informed me that if you add my email address to your email programs address book my emails might not be treated as SPAM. So please add my email address - ESPECIALLY AOL CUSTOMERS

Remember don't delete emails by putting it into your SPAM box. Check your SPAM box periodically to make sure my emails aren't in it because AOL looks at your SPAM box and then takes those emails and blocks the email addresses from where they are coming - like
Right now I have changed my address book. I use to have 8 separate boxes but this was changed to about 14. All AOL residents are in a separate email box with no more than 25 email addresses vs. 99 that I originally had. So emailing is now taking a little more time but hopefully the AOL Postmaster will solve the problem. By the way, the Encore emailer had the same problem and AOL took care of it for him. I guess they are trying to put us emailers out of business. NO WAY!


I thought that my emails extended itself as far East as Crooked Stick, as far West as Ballybunion (what a name of a street) and South to the Front Gate but never in my imagination would I ever think that people in China are reading Ron's emails (called in China SUBGUM EMAIL).

Yes, many of our Regency residents are in China and rather than going to a Chinese Buffet they have elected to stay by their computers waiting for my next email to arrive. In fact Don Habach writes to me on a Yangtse River boat while at a bar. Receiving emails and replying to them as if they were still here at Regency (maybe they are and they are hiding somewhere), is totally amazing. It's nice hearing from the Fingers, the Ehrlichs, the Wallersteins,the Cramers (in fact the last time Stan and Myra took a cruise we were in contact with each other - they must simply love getting my emails) and others.

Although I've heard that they are all having a FANTASTIC time in China, they must be drinking lots of SAKI since they are all fighting to get control of a computer in order to read my emails. Send some pictures and our best to all the travellers. Keep in mind that the US and the UK have broken off diplomatic relations do to my good buddy, Stu Finger. Yes Stu, the emailer knows everything!


Over the years many of you have requested that I do certain things that might help you enjoy Regency even more. Communications are very important and you have various methods of learning what is going on here at Regency. Duplication of communications should never be a problem since residents can learn what is happening from all sorts of sources whether it be the website, the emailer, Channel 3, flyers in your mailboxes, etc. You can pick and choose whatever source(s) of communication you want to use in order for you to be well informed.

With the recent survey done on the Website, I thank you for boosting my ego in saying that my emails are used by the majority of residents in learning about what is happening at Regency. I now have close to 400 homes on the email system.

When I was the Director of Pharmacy at a hospital my job basically was to improve on patient care in relationship to my departments responsibilities in providing the correct medications to patients. I was fortunate in developing many unique services including being the first hospital to develop a computerized unit dose system. It wasn't one of those "canned" programs because in those days, there was no such thing. Later on in my career, I secured funding for building a Clinical program that took pharmacists out of the Pharmacy and onto the various floors of the hospital. Their role was to round with doctors and nurses and make clinical interventions. In one year over 10,000 clinical interventions were made, some life saving and some reducing the length of stay for patients so that they can leave the hospital quicker and be cured faster by using the correct selection of medications. The medical, nursing and pharmacy staffs worked cooperatively in providing patients with the best medical care possible and translating it to what I am currently doing, this is my goal for Regency - to provide each of you with those things you want, those things that will benefit you and to enjoy everything that Regecny has to offer.

So, I have taken some of your suggestions and I will work towards my enhancing the emails by providing you with what you want. In order to do some of the things that need to be done I am currently developing what is called a BLOG. This is a way for me to store information on the internet without my filling up your email boxes with attachments.

Don't worry, when there is something added to my BLOG you will receive a link and all you have to do is click on the link. You will not have to go to the BLOG site and then click on something. I realize that many of you aren't "computer literate" so I will make it as simple as possible and all you would have to do is click on something that I will provide you with.

Due to some technical difficulties I have been unable to upload some of what I want to do onto the Community Website. BLOGGING is simple, it's easy and it will reduce some of my workload dealing with emailing. Who knows, one day you might want to become a BLOGGER. There are many sites that offer BLOGS free of charge. I will be using GOOGLE for my BLOG.

So here are a few things that will be found on my BLOG:

1. The ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) Schedule

2. All of my current and past emails (you would be surprised how many times I have been asked about providing information that was sent out on previous emails because a resident deleted it)

3. A section will be devoted to what I will call KNOWING YOUR HOME (again many residents have asked me questions regarding information that I had sent out like the fuses in the AC box; the remote control batteries for the Front Gate; the fireplace not working (because you haven't changed the batteries not only in the remote but in your fireplace)

4. The Men's Golf at the Meadows Schedule (this would solve a lot of problems related to scheduling).

5. Upcoming events (flyers) - it will be sorted by Month and then sorted by the earliest event of that month. This probably has been the number one request of residents. Even though the information is provided on the website, residents would also like to see it in my emails. NOTE: THE PROCEDURE WILL CHANGE AS TO HOW TO GET YOUR FLYER POSTED ON AN EMAIL - IT'S SIMPLE, EITHER SEND IT TO ME BY EMAIL OR DROP IT OFF IN MY MAILBOX AND IT WILL BE SCANNED AND UPLOADED TO THE BLOG. KEEP IN MIND, IF YOU WANT IT POSTED TO THE WEBSITE, JUST SEND IT TO STEPHANIE AND SHE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT.

6. Information for NEW homeowner's moving in to Regency. (like joining our "fight" regarding Property Taxes).

7. I will continue to use SNAPFISH to store all the photos taken at Regency but a few of them might be added to the BLOG. As new photos are added to SNAPFISH I will include the link on the BLOG and a separate folder will be made that will be called REGENCY PHOTOS.

8. As you know I post many emails I receive from residents so that others can know what some residents want learned. Many times I have been asked to post the same information on multiple emails. A section of the BLOG will be devoted to posting information that needs to be repeated.

9. It will provide residents who move away from Regency to still keep in touch with what is going on by just going to the Emailer Blog. For residents who are snowbirds, if you are unable to access your email system, again all you have to do is to go to the Emailer Blog.

Again, the BLOG is not a WEBSITE. It is just an easier way for me to deal with what you want and what I can do to improve upon emailing. I even have a BLOG for my personal EBAY business. I will be working on the REGENCY EMAILER BLOG for the next few weeks and as soon as it is completed I will let you know. In the meantime, check out the beginning of the REGENCY EMAILER BLOG. The enhancements I discussed will be forthcoming


No, fortunately nobody has told me that they have rats in their homes. Here is a little note that once the BLOG is completed, it will be put under KNOW YOUR HOME.

It has been reported that if you leave your home for very long periods of time (ala SNOWBIRDS) that someone should flush your toilets periodically. As you may or may not know, water slowing leaves the bottom of the toilet and once it's gone or near gone, rats can come to your home from the empty toilet bowl.

That's enough about rats and toilet bowls. If anyone else has any tidbits of knowledge regarding our homes, send it along and I will post it to an email.

# posted by REGENCY EMAILER @ 8:52 AM